Biography: Prof. Ali Mansour held many positions such as a Postdoctoral at LTIRF-INPG (Grenoble-France), Researcher at BMC – RIKEN (Nagoya-Japan), Teacher-Researcher position at ENSIETA (Brest-France), Senior Lecturer at ECE Curtin University (Perth-Australia), Invited Professor at ULCO (Calais-France), Professor at Tabuk University (Tabuk-KSA). currently, he holds a post of Professor at ENSTA-Bretagne (Brest-France). He published numerous refereed publications, he is the author and co-author of several books or book chapters. He successfully supervised several research associates and PhD and MSc students during his career. He is a senior member of IEEE and was the vice president of the IEEE signal processing society in Western Australia for two years. He had also been the lead guest editor for the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, and he is serving as the lead guest editor for MDPI - Sensors journal. He is interested in Blind Source Separation, High Order Statistics, signal processing, robotics, telecommunication, biomedical engineering, electronic warfare and cognitive radio. |
Biography: Prof. Adel AL Jumaily is a researcher and academic leader with more than 20 years of experience. He has designed, taught and coordinated more than 20 subjects, and designed two degrees. His research area covers Computational Intelligence, Humanized Computational Intelligence based technology, Biosignal / Image pattern recognition and Machine Learning. He has published more than 245 peer-reviewed papers in high-quality journals and international conferences. He has 6 best paper awards and 13 patents, 12 of which are sponsored by industry. Adel has supervised more than 40 PhD and master’s students and received two Higher Degree Research Supervision Completion Awards. |
Biography: Prof. Paolo Crippa is Associate Professor of Electronics at the Department of Information Engineering, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy. His current research interests include micro and nanoelectronics, statistical integrated circuit design and device modeling, mixed-signal and RF circuit design, algorithms and circuits for signal processing; circuits and systems for the acquisition, analysis and identification of biological signals (speech, sEMG, ECG, PPG), and artificial neural networks. He has authored or co-authored over 110 papers in international journals, edited books, and conference proceedings. He is currently Associate Editor of the IEEE ACCESS and serves on the Editorial Boards of several scientific journals. He was a Guest Editor of MDPI Sensors and MDPI Mathematics journals. He joined the Technical Program Committees and International Program Committees for more than 100 scientific conferences and workshops, and served as a reviewer for many scientific journals and conferences in the field of electronics, signal processing and computational intelligence. He is a senior member of the IEEE and member of the Italian AEIT. |